We, AQUAGIEK, located in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, are looking for better and more convenient products from Japan and all over the world,
and we are putting these products into the market with thorough consideration.
We are a company that is always thinking about what is needed to raise living matters to a higher level.
We always think of providing an environment where saltwater fish and coral can live happily under the theme of how long and healthy they can be kept alive.
Thoroughly pursuing the removal rate of impurities in tap water, CHRONOS rain is equipped with RO (reverse osmosis membrane) + DI (ion exchange) filter as standard, and even radioactive materials (cesium, radioactive iodine) are theoretically 99.9 % can be removed.
Furthermore, the Membrane, which boasts the maximum production volume at present, can produce an amazing amount of pure water of 680 L per day.